Monday, August 6, 2007

Thank You Wes Hellner

A very special member of the REIA of Macomb, Wes Hellner, donated a beautiful cake to the Make it Happen BBQ. I was sitting at my desk one morning and I got up to get some coffee. When I went back to sit down I noticed an envelope on my chair. How preoccupied am I with buying houses if I don't even have time to look down before I sit!

So I open the envelope and to my excitement it was a check. I love collecting my rents and getting checks in the mail. So I ripped open the envelope to see who sent us money. there was a small note that said "For the BBQ". it was from Wes.

I have to tell you readers out there that I love the REIA, and it's not everyday someone does something selfless for the good of others. Apparently when you do business and are acquainted with a man like Wes Hellner, he conducts himself in a great way.

If you want to do business with a very professional, not to mention experienced real estate agent in the Mount Clemens area, look no further.

You can contact Wes one of the following ways;

office: 586-469-0634

My sites to visit:
This blog was originally posted on another blog that I was writing. I have decided to "move" them all over to here. So for the next few posts you will notice that the dates will not coincide with the post time.

Make It Happen BBQ...Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, and Houses

On Saturday, July 21st I had the honor to spend the day with a ton of real estate investors. We hosted our first annual REIA of Macomb Make It Happen BBQ at Budd Park in Clinton Twp. We had members fro as far as Canton and as close as Clinton Twp in attendance.

When we decided to put this together I had envisioned a bunch of people standing around with bad BBQ food shuffling their feet and maybe complaining about the heat. But reality took over and all of the effort that Nathan and I put into the club came through at the BBQ. We had over 50 members show up, bringing salads, stories, great company, and even their kids. It's very rewarding to have someone come up to me, as REIA member Tina Puma did, and hand me some sweets, and thank me for putting the picnic on.

No thanks needed. The Make It Happen BBQ was for all of the members that help support and grow The REIA of Macomb. Without all of you, we couldn't do what we do. When you get a group of like minded folks together with one common goal, you have Collective Genius. this is a term that I use often and I will write a fat post on it one day.

One person in particular that I want to mention for all the help and time donation that he made, is REIA member and GOLD Key Realty agent Erik Stark. This gentlemsn was at the park before anyone securing table for the REIA, and he was the last to leave, helping us clean and pack up. Being entrepreneurs to the core, Nathan and I have a very hard time letting go of control. With Erik around the pressure comes off. Thank You Sir.

My sites to visit:

This blog was originally posted on another blog that I was writing. I have decided to "move" them all over to here. So for the next few posts you will notice that the dates will not coincide with the post time.

Millionaire Michigan Man Continued.......

Ok, where was I? Oh yeah, I was saying that we had a past with Kris Kirschner.

Well about 6 months or so after I saw Kris speak at Wendy Patton's Fortune Makers Seminar in Troy, Michigan, I traveled down to Atlanta to spend 40 days with Kris. Dan Geier, of Senior Helpers fame, Jared Pomranky, President of WCRT Detroit, and myself were together to learn from Kris at his bootcamp.

Little did I know that my future partner and co-founder Nathan Mayes was also going to be in attendance in Atlanta. I met some great people down there from Michigan including Paul Smudski, Don Staley, Mark Weslowski, and my old buddy Joe Cook.

We all learned a lot from Kris about how to buy using subject-to, and how to sell effectively on lease option. Over the nest couple of years or so, buying subject-to is the only way that most of us bought houses. Kris is from Detroit as I said in an earlier post, so he always showed us preferential treatment. He used Dan and Nate is examples a few times, and called on them both quite a bit during his presentations. It definitely felt good to be with 2 of Kris' top students.

So like I said earlier I knew that when Nate said let's have Kris up to speak at Michigan's Premier Real Estate Investor's Association, The REIA of Macomb of course, we were in for some fun. Kris showed up the day before the REIA to settle in and spend some time at his home town. That night we all(Nathan, myself, and Kris' Team) all went to Greektown. We feasted like Greek royalty, and had a great time. This is the first time that I had spent any extended time with Kris outside of a seminar. He was totally down to earth. He wouldn't let Nathan and I pay the bill at the restaurant.

Imagine this, one of your biggest if not #1 real estate mentors comes into town to speak at the real estate club that you founded. Sounds pretty awesome right? If that wasn't enough, he treats us to dinner. That's class.

The event went off perfectly. Kris was welcomed with absolutely open arms from our membership and visitors. he actually broke a REIA of Macomb attendance record. We had over 165 investors, real estate agents, attorneys, private lenders, mortgage brokers, and many more unnamed people in attendance.

Not only has Kris Kirschner helped Nathan and myself immensely in our investing careers, he's also helped us build The REIA of Macomb's membership.

Thank you Kris!!!
From The REIA of Macomb, myself, and of course my partner Nathan Mayes.

My sites to our homes for sale. where we buy houses, or take over payments Michigan's Premier Real Estate Investing Club.

This blog was originally posted on another blog that I was writing. I have decided to "move" them all over to here. So for the next few posts you will notice that the dates will not coincide with the post time.