90-10...Do You Have What It Takes to Do What Others Won't
(2 easy ways to prove that you are different than almost everyone else)

Recently at a Saturday Real Estate Investor's Workshop in the beginning of June, yes the weather was great outside, one of the attendees caught on to something that I was inferring. After explaining why I
DON"T want to text people in business & I DON'T want them to text me, even more I prefer to real mail them, don't use snail mail it puts an ugly connotation on the second most effective way for people to communicate.
I was teaching the hungry group of investors how to flip Michigan foreclosures with none of their own money for $5,000, $10,000,& frequently $20,000 profit checks. What clicked in the attendees head was my 10% Principal. No not a 10% loan on the principal amount of a loan, Dylan's 10% Principal. It's very simple, here goes;
pay attention here-Only 10% of the people, even if they are paying you hundreds if not thousands will listen to what you say and us the techniques they're paying you to learn.
The reason I was going over my "Don't text me rant", my fiance' receives the same lecture, is because there's less and less thought that goes into communication the easier it is to deliver. What I was attempting to drill into my students heads in this particular potion of the workshop is to use hand written or at the very least typed letters when corresponding with people who you want to do business with. This is just one small step that will move you closer to becoming a 10%er.
The second most simple way that will move you closer to being a 10%er is to let everyone know what you do and make it hard for them to forget. The easiest way to do this is with a business card. Don't go get free junky cards from an online company that has their advertising on the back. Spend the measly $50, click this link for the best great company that I use on a weekly basis and get full color UV coated glossy looking cards that will make the receiver remember you.
Maybe you use a picture of a lions with it's huge teeth aimed at you, or how about a really clever saying like; I flip houses faster than Tiger Woods changes mistresses!<=<=<=Now I may not use that last statement, but I wouldn't forget the person who gave me a business card with that as the headline.
NOW-having cool business cards is definitely not enough. You must be putting it in everyone's hand that you meet. Nobody pays attention to furniture company commercials or their financing offers until when? When they NEED furniture, right?
So for crying out LOUD, give out your business cards, 2 or 3 at a time. they cost a nickel an can easily make you $5000. That's a $10,000% ROI, I'll take that everyday.
Desperately seeking deals,
Dylan Tanaka