How To Turn $3.00 into $30,000!
The old saying was 20% of people are responsible for 80% of Success. Oh how things have changed. Success in America is out there for the taking. When I say Success it means more than just completing a task and having a positive outcome.
To me Success means;
- Happiness
- Achievement
- Profit (Win-Win)
- Effort
- Integrity
- Awareness
- Creation
- Performance
I can keep going but by now you get the picture. At a certain point in my business life I had a moment of clarity. I somehow understood what it took to become successful in Michigan real estate investing & entrepreneurship in general. Here is the secret...
Do what the 10% do that the other 90% won't!
To become truly successful and financially independent you must be able to swim upstream.
That may mean NOT turning on your T.V. and reading and remembering a book.
Maybe it's sending hand-written letters to your business associated that you are going to do more business with in the upcoming year. .
Actually writing down your dreams first, then your goals, and finally the action steps to achieve those goals in a measured timely fashion.
Live outside the box and take the path less traveled every time if it will have a greater outcome.
Start with the end in mind.
Most importantly cut the things (people even) out of your life that stand between you and your perfect vision of your life.
DO NOT Let Anyone Crush Your Dream

Would you like the answer to the wild statement above about "How I Will Turn $3.00 Into $30,000? Here goes...
For my birthday in October my partner Nathan Mayes, his wife, and my girlfriend went on a Western Michigan Wine Tour. See Nathan and I are born 5 days apart so our better halves put the trip together for our birthdays. As we pulled into a charming little city called Dundee, I snuck out of the tasting and headed across Main Street to a used book store.

There is something special about a small town where everyone smiles and greets you like its 1955 in Mayberry, something pure. So I walked into the used book store and the owner immediately asked me what I was looking for. I said business books. Before taking me toward the Business, Finance, & Motivations sections she stopped me at a separate book shelf with some old looking books on it. I would put them at 50-70 years old on average. She then explained to me that this section was for books signed by the authors. She then pulled out a new find that was a study guide for the 1960's focused on helping prospective real estate agents pass their exam! Try to find help like that at B & N.
Here's where I was able to make a projected 10,000% risk-free investment. A red, white, and blue book caught my eye. To my excitement the author was one of my favorites and I certainly had never heard of this title before. I grabbed it in anticipation to see if it was discounted enough to justify buying without knowing anything about it.
What I know now I would have paid $3000 for the information that I gained from the book. Are you ready to find out the title???

Secrets Of Closing The Sale
by Zig Ziglar
From the cover:
OVER 100 specific closes, for professional salespeople PLUS over 700 sales questions AND dozens of persuasion procedures to help doctors, ministers, household executives, teachers, parents and FULL TIME REAL ESTATE ENTREPRENEURS effectively sell their ideas and concepts.
Oaky the full time real estate entrepreneurs was added in, but it may as well have been titled Hey Dylan Tanaka Buy Me NOW!!!
From what I can tell the book was written in 1982 in a time before all of the sensational self-help promoters of the 90's to today. Zig Ziglar is the real deal. if you haven't read him before you need to. What this book really does is go through almost 1000 objections that you will hear as an entrepreneur/business owner/real estate investor/salesperson/human being. The funny thing is in our day and age where Palm Pilot's are already a thing of the past, salesmanship 25 years ago is the same as it is today.
My current favorite "close" of the book goes like this;
To help his clients Take Action Now, he had a very unique business card made. If a perspective buyer told Zig, "Yes I know that I need it, I'll call you when I get around to it". At that point Zig would then pull out his business card, on one side was all of Mr Ziglar's professional information, on the backside was this

You see a true salesperson can overcome any objection. Whether it's by agreeing with their concern or drowning them in features, advantages, and benefits.
So I will end this with another question...
Do you have what it takes to be the 10%, or is being in the ordinary 90% majority your destiny?

~Make It Happen~
Dylan Tanaka