"There is no shortcut." A law of success preached to me by one of my business mentors just last week. We were reflecting on real estate, being entrepreneurs, and what it takes to succeed. When I say succeed, we weren't talking about owning your own business and having a good life. No, No. This mentor of mine has a quarter million a year cash business, well over 100 residential units, around 20 commercial buildings, a very respectable personal residence, and a vacation house in Naples, Florida with a shiny BMW convertible waiting for him and his wife in the garage. Oops, I forgot to mention that he has an estimated 75% equity across he board. When this man talks I listen. As we were chatting about what he stated, that if he were of our generation, he would be worth 3x what he is due to technology and information. In my opinion he is selling himself short, I believe that he would be worth 7x what he is now. But I have to agree with this man, there is no substitute for hard work. Maybe if you are a dot com millionaire, or born to a blue blood family in which everyone is a doctor. For most of us normal folks, hard work, dedication, and a love for what we do is what will bring us fortune in the future.
Believe me when I say that I hate cliché’s. Yet I have to join the cliché crowd and say that my generation and the one directly after me is pretty lazy. We seem to have this overwhelming sense of entitlement. I would like to put some of this blame on our parents, the baby boomers. It seems as though the generation before them was the one that had Pride, Integrity, and Honor. We are lucky now-a-days to trust one or two people in business. Back in the WWII generation. everything was settled with a handshake. When a man, or woman went to work they took pride in themselves first and their company second. They didn't have "Family Leave" or drug and alcohol rehab programs built in like we do today. They put their nose to the grindstone and worked!Trust me I know that I can work a lot longer, harder, and smarter but at least I can say that I am making it on my own and giving it my all. My partner Nathan Mayes and I closed out 20th deal today. That's 20 purchases, not purchases, sales, leases, evictions, or general contracting jobs. We have also built with the help of many other the fastest growing real estate and entrepreneurs investing club in Michigan, The REIA of Macomb, which will sign up it's 200th member this month. We have also started coaching a handful of individuals to help them meet their business goals.
Back to my mentors statement "There are NO shortcuts". He's right, almost. We have found one shortcut that has ultimate been the igniter for much of our success. It's called Cooperation. What does that mean? My definition of Cooperation is; Networking, Sharing, Learning' Growing, Teaching, Helping, Caring, but most of all Never Giving Up.
~Make It Happen~
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Monday, August 27, 2007
Success: Given or Earned
Posted by
Dylan Tanaka
10:42 PM
Labels: dylan tanaka nathan mayes reia of macomb business coaching BMW success
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