(Whatever It Takes)

Okay friends, here's my style of motivation. Whatever It Takes, what does this really mean? It certainly doesn't mean being unethical, lying, cheating, or stealing. I had to get those out of the way. It means
"Never Quitting".
You haven't failed until You quit.
Everyday in life I watch people stumble through, even those that posess some sembelance of what's going on. There is some unwritten rule in this country that once youv'e finished high school, college, or trade school that your done learning. This thought process is part of what
Kiyosaki & Trump talk about in their collaboation
"Why We Want You To Be Rich". 
Don't get me wrong, I do not think that I'm perfect. I have certainly passed up eduactional opportunities in my lifetime. Now I am smart enough to close my mouth and use my ears whenever I have a chance to learn something new.
It's not very often you don't see myself and my partner Nathan at any real estate event that we know about in our area. We absolutely support other real estate groups as well as a number of other civic and entreprenureal driven organizations. Back to the meat of my story.
There is no reason that all of my friends out there reading this are not succeeding at higher levels. Most of us have been blessed with all of the talents required. The most important one though, is one that we have to conceive in our own mind, Desire. You see without Desire there can be no grand finale of your plan.
Every plan starts with a Dream. Measureable steps need to be taken to make that Dream an achieveable Goal. Without desire though, the goal will usually not be reahed. Eveyone can get lucky once in a while, but I am one of those people that seem to be lucky all of the time.(see the words surounding my picture on the right side)

Desire we wouldn't be living in the Motor City because Henry Ford would have given up his
Without Desire we couldn't look at the American Flag and pledge our allegiance and live the Dream we have been afforded.

Desire we would cease to exist.
We all have
Desire. What we need to do is to figure out the
secret to harnessing it. If you want to be a succesful entrepreneur, even part time, you have to have an undying
Desire to
Succeed. In our comapny,
Jeffrey Douglas Property Investments, Inc my partner and I are never satisfied. Our unwritten motto, even after a super business deal is;
"We're just getting started". You see the world is all of ours for the taking. When I was in commission sales, by the way commission salespeople happen to probably be the most cynical group on the planet, my
Dream was torn down every day.
I had a Goal to become finacially free enough to fire my boss and start my own real estate investing company. I came in contact with about 75 people daily in my old life. I have to say that less than 5 didn't Live To Discourage me. There were a few friends that I miss very much that used to tell me everyday "Dylan, you're too young, too smart, and too driven to work for this company". Luckily I let their kind words drown out the sorrows from the rest of the crowd. So in June of 2004, I kindly said hasta la vista, and burned the ship that I sailed away in, once I hit shore of course.

If there is one bit of advice that you must take from me is to Never Let Anyone Hold You Back From Your Dreams. I'm not saying quit your job and go out and buy houses. I'm saying write out your goals, and Do Not Ever Stop until you achieve them.
Oh yeah...
Make It Happen!!!important sites: