Act As If....
What does this really mean? Your appearance, persona, and their perceptions of you. As a full time entrepreneur and real estate investor I have been faced with this question many times. Conventional wisdom tells us that when we "quit" our conventional jobs we get to dress and act however we want because we are finally our own boss. I've personally been gainfully unemployed for 3 years. In that time I have yet o show up to an important meeting with a private lender or sit down in some nice folks living room without acting professional.
Many investors out there take a very relaxed attitude toward their professional personality. Lack of proper English and even use of curse words are two of my biggest pet peeves. Imagine this: Donald Trump or Robert Kiyosaki is standing in front of you. They say that they are interested in the Detroit foreclosure market. They are looking to invest in property with the aid of someone "on the ground" that understands the area. Are you going to say "Awesome dude, you ain't gonna find a better f''n investor than me to help you."

Of course not!!! You are going to go into the situation with the proper attire and use good English. You may even want to wear your father's watch to impress a new private lender. Why is it that I constantly have conversations with individuals that talk this way in a casual business meeting? I'm not talking about having cocktails with an old friend at a bar. There is a time and place, right?
You never know who you are talking to or who is listening in the backround. The best idea is to keep your vocabulary and dress professionl. On to the old debate, suit or no suit. I am a firm believer that being overdressed is a detrement in certain situations. I'm not going to wear a suit if I'm sitting down in a house that is owned by a beer drinkin, truck driving, hard working guy. I don't want him to think that I'm trying to show him up. However you better believe that I will be wearing slacks and a dress or polo shirt. I will also have my companies brochure and business card looking extremely professional. As a businessman you must have an air of confidence, in our case know comparable sales, and be very well versed in real estate legal terms.
It doesn't matter if you just started your business or you've been out slaying dragons for five years, the appearance of a big company will always give you credibility. There are a few easy ways to become a perceived million dollar Michigan real estate investing business.
#1 Classy Business Cards
#2 An E-mail Address not a Yahoo or Hotmail
#2 An E-mail Address not a Yahoo or Hotmail
#3 A Voicemail Answering Service
#4 A Website
#5 Make Sure That All of Your Sales Brochures Match "Create Your Brand"
#5 Make Sure That All of Your Sales Brochures Match "Create Your Brand"
#6 Study, Memorize, Understand, and Have With You All Documents Needed to Make Offers
#7 Always Arrive Early
#8 Leave Your Cell Phone and Watch In Your Car
#9 Be Ready To Make An Offer On The Spot
#10 Listen To Their Needs and Create a Win-Win Offer
#11 Comes Before All The Rest; Integrity
There's something to be said for the book "The Greatest Generation" by Tom Brokaw. The book depicts the Americans who came of age during the Great Depression and fought World War II, and went on to build America. The men and women of this generation did what they said they would do above all else. The only man I was close to from that generation was my Grandfather. Can you imagine your Grandfather giving up on his mortgage and letting it go into foreclosure? I don't think so. I truly believe that the secret to success in business today is to live, eat, and breathe Integrity.
There's something to be said for the book "The Greatest Generation" by Tom Brokaw. The book depicts the Americans who came of age during the Great Depression and fought World War II, and went on to build America. The men and women of this generation did what they said they would do above all else. The only man I was close to from that generation was my Grandfather. Can you imagine your Grandfather giving up on his mortgage and letting it go into foreclosure? I don't think so. I truly believe that the secret to success in business today is to live, eat, and breathe Integrity.
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