Tom Kish Delivers To Almost Record Breaking Crowd
On Thursday, November 27th The REIA of Macomb turned 11 months old. Our first meeting was in January of 2007. In eleven short months we've grown to well over 180 members! For those of you who are unaware of what The REIA is here's a short breakdown.
The REIA of Macomb is Michigan's Premier Real Estate Investor's Association. It's a non-profit organization that I co-founded with my partner Nathan Mayes, open to the public, for real estate investors and professionals to learn, grow, and network.
I'm not going to get too much into the REIA itself, just about our most recent event. Tom Kish flew in from Miami, Fla to be the guest speaker of the month. Tom lives in Las Vegas and flies all over the whole country teaching entrepreneurs and real estate investors how to get more unsecured business lines of credit. We had around 160 attendees which put us close to room capacity.
On Thursday, November 27th The REIA of Macomb turned 11 months old. Our first meeting was in January of 2007. In eleven short months we've grown to well over 180 members! For those of you who are unaware of what The REIA is here's a short breakdown.
The REIA of Macomb is Michigan's Premier Real Estate Investor's Association. It's a non-profit organization that I co-founded with my partner Nathan Mayes, open to the public, for real estate investors and professionals to learn, grow, and network.
I'm not going to get too much into the REIA itself, just about our most recent event. Tom Kish flew in from Miami, Fla to be the guest speaker of the month. Tom lives in Las Vegas and flies all over the whole country teaching entrepreneurs and real estate investors how to get more unsecured business lines of credit. We had around 160 attendees which put us close to room capacity.

The Extreme Networking pre-meeting was absolutely awesome. I met at least 20 new folks who had come out for their first time. Of course I saw 100 or so members that were in attendance. We've actually been forced to move our Main Event each month to a completely new venue who's capacity is double our current locations.
There was about 7 or 8 different vendors working tables on Thursday night. We had Diana Sloan from Chirco Title, Noel Selewski from the Selewski Insurance Group, Alan Faitel from RealFi, Erik Stark from Gold Key Realty, and a few others.
A couple other notable speakers of the night were Adam Davis and Paul Smudski. Adam Davis is the newly appointed vise president of the REIA of Macomb. Adam has done a ton of consulting with real estate investors and put together a FREE REPORT on
"How To Avoid The Shocking Mistake 9 out of 10 Real Estate Investors Make That Costs Them Thousands of Dollars Every Single Year".
If you are interested in obtaining a FREE COPY of this report go to http://www.successinrei.com/. You can sign up to receive
Adam Davis' FREE REPORT on this site.
Paul Smudski, The Ambassador of Wealth In R.E.I. came up to announce to the crowd the success of the new elite mastermind group. Paul encouraged all of the people in the crowd to take a look at "Taking their real estate investing career to the next level". If you have any questions go to www.WealthInREI.com.
The inauguration of a new Success & Networking club in Oakland County was announced by Drew Sygit, founder of The Lending Edge Team at Meadowbrook Mortgage in Bloomfield Hills. The new group is called The Oakland Business Forum, an affiliate of The National Business Forum. The clubs first event will take place on Tuesday January 15th, doors open at 6:00 p.m. at The Exclusive Troy Hilton located at 5500 Crooks Rd Troy, MI 48098.

As I like to say the event was a triumphant success. There was more pure networking and power team building at The REIA of Macomb's November Main Event than any previous. For me personally there is nothing more rewarding than being able to introduce business acquaintances of mine that are truly able to help each other in their respective businesses.
If you haven't been out to a REIA of Macomb meeting I absolutely urge you to get there. You have no excuse because your first meeting is always FREE. If you have been there or are a member that doesn't make it every month, than shame on You! The Power of being around like minded people can be called a Mastermind or Collective Genius.
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Are You 100% fulfilled in your real estate investing business?