A new American Millionaire is born every 24 seconds,
will You be next?
It may be hard for some of you to contemplate. There were a few other statements that were hard to believe over time.
- The Earth is round.
- Man will be on the moon.
- People would buy and sell houses on a T.V. with a keyboard(personal computer)

There has never been another time or place in history where you goals can be achieved so easily. Understand, when I say easy, I'm not saying that it won't take dedication, persistence, belief, and patience. What I'm saying is that capital (credit) has never been as easy to secure. Information i.e. the internet, never existed before the early 90's. You can do market research and demographics on your business is seconds, for FREE, as opposed to an overpriced consulting company and an 8 week long report project.
The technology available to us today is the main catalyst to help American Millionaires pop up at almost 3 a minute!!! That's 150 an hour, and 3600 per day. There are 13 year olds starting successful EBAY businesses and making on Donny Deutsch on CNBC. Even in more conventional businesses the effects of e-mail, or being able to apply for a mortgage online has changed the world that we live in. There are "NO EXCUSES" for failure in America.
I don't want to get in trouble for generalizing so
You would have to be oblivious to the truth to not know that immigrants in this country are building stronger "bases" than the average American that was born here. The people that have been lucky enough to get a green card, work visa, or citizenship know the opportunity that this county offers. Think about it, how many of you reading this right now that were born here, and your parents were born here also, can't wait until your number gets called and you get to move to Russia leave your family and start the business that you've been dreaming about? Not many. Now reverse the situation. The answer is almost all.
Does the rest of the world know something that we don't? YES
They know that America is the land of opportunity and the streets are lined with gold. That is not a joke. We are so lucky to be Americans because of the Freedom that we almost all take for granted, myself included. Our lives are so cushy here that we don't have to worry about drinking water, land mines, or deadly disease. We can concentrate on building our net worth without those primal interruptions. How many people in Africa, India, China, the Middle East, or South America would sacrifice everything for a chance at our wonderful lives?

Why is it that first generation Americans, who's parents weren't born here, have a higher net worth than 2nd, 3rd, or 4th? The word I used earlier was sacrifice. Winners don't look at opportunity as sacrifice, losers do. here are the definitions of both, you will see the correlation;
Opportunity-a good position, chance, or prospect, as for advancement or success.
Sacrifice-the surrender of something prized or desirable for the sake of something considered as having a higher worth.
Opportunity equals a chance (spending time) for Success (your future).
Sacrifice equals surrendering time (less T.V.) for something of higher worth (your Family's net worth)
Two more;
Winner-a person with a record of successes (you can't have a record until you Make It Happen)
Loser-One that fails consistently, especially a person with bad luck (see pic above for the definition of luck)
Take your pick;
I'm a Loser not willing to Sacrifice.
I'm a Winner who sees Opportunity Always working at Winning...
Dylan Tanaka
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